Elle is a manual osteopathic practitioner who offers a range of treatments including joint mobilization, cranial osteopathy, visceral osteopathy and myofascial release. She is inspired by the core principles of osteopathy: understanding the body as a dynamic unit rather than merely a collection of parts; recognizing the interconnectedness between its structure and function; and supporting the body’s own innate self-regulating and self-healing capacity. She is lit up by the notion that osteopathy is a practice of listening to the body and guiding it back into balance rather than imposing on it through invasive measures. Osteopathy is a gentle and relaxing modality of treatment.
She has long been fascinated by the mind-body connection. Before studying osteopathy, she taught yoga and sought to make it more accessible by offering trauma sensitive classes as well as gentle yoga and chair yoga. She continues to teach classes online and in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Studying osteopathy gave her the chance to dive deeper into the amazing world of anatomy and physiology and gain an understanding of how crucial movement is to health and vitality.
To learn more about her, visit: www.theriversosteopathy.ca.