Constipation Hacks

Hi! Dr. Rachel, ND here,

My zone of genius is gastrointestinal health, so I am here today to share with you some
information that completely changes the gut health of SO MANY.
Did you know you can poop every day and still be constipated?

Secret constipation can be so sneaky and is something I treat in my office

The goal is to ensure the bowels FULLY EMPTY within a 24 hour span. This means food goes
in the mouth, is fully processed, and pooped out the other end in 24 hours!

Why do I say sneaky?
Pooping every day, but not enough, counts as not fully emptying
Diarrhea can actually be caused because of constipation
This is not the typical picture we see when we think of constipation of someone straining on the
toilet with a bright red face, or missing days without pooping. This is of course constipation as
well, but more severe!

Why do I think you should care?
Constipation can make us feel miserable ….
● Bloated
● Reactions to foods!!! Especially if your food reactions are getting worse and worse over
time …
● a heaviness in our belly
● indigestion or heartburn
● Spontaneous diarrhea
● Pressure in our pelvis
● ANXIETY flares
● Blood sugar crashes (the “hangry” or the “i’m so hungry that i’m nauseous and now I
cant eat”)
How can you test at home if you’re secretly constipated?

The blue poo test!
This one can be so fun for the whole family, what kid doesn’t want to dye their poop blue?
Here is how it works,
Make a batch of muffins that are PLAIN, white flour, white sugar, very minimal fiber, because we
don’t want the fiber to soak up the blue dye. Use 1tsp of royal blue dye per 6 muffins. It is very
important that its royal blue dye (easy to pick up at bulk barn). There is a blue muffin recipe on
Eat 2 muffins in total, each 10 minutes apart from each other.
Write down when the muffins were eaten, and when your poop is blue! The time it takes the
bowel to empty is when the last blue poop is seen!
Sometimes this can take up to SEVEN DAYS in constipated people, so don’t stop looking too

Found out you’re secretly constipated … or just very obviously constipated?
Let’s get those bowels moving!!
The body knows that not taking out the trash (poop) every day is not a good practice, it really
wants that poop out, and it is telling you that via all the gut symptoms that are making you feel
like sh*t.
It’s time to change your story,

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