Give your Immune System some Extra Love this Fall

Being resilient is what we need to aim for. If this last year has taught us anything, it has shown us that there are many things that are out of our control. While we know we can’t control everything, there are things in our immediate control that can help our immune system to be as strong as possible. This post is all about taking charge of your health and feeling empowered to make simple changes to promote optimal wellness.

Support Your Immune System: Proven Strategies

Focus on fiber

A diet rich in high-fiber foods encourages the development and maintenance of the gut microbiome, which stimulates your immune cells. A diet centered around fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes is one of the best ways to develop stronger immunity.

Choose probiotics

Probiotic supplements and fermented foods also contribute to your gut bacteria. Good choices include sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, and kefir. 

Limit sugar

Reducing sugar intake can lower the risk of obesity and Type 2 diabetes, both of which are risk factors for a weaker immune system. In one study, obese patients were twice as likely to get the flu following a flu shot, and eliminating sweets can go far in any weight loss strategy. 

Favor healthy fats

Certain fats can reduce inflammation, which is stressful for your immune system.  Research shows that extra virgin olive oil and foods with high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and flax seeds, are beneficial. 

Find time for moderate exercise

Even a single session of moderate exercise improves immune response. Of course, everyone has a different definition of “moderate,” so pay careful attention to your body. You should feel refreshed and energized afterwards, not exhausted. 

Stay rested

It’s always been a commonly held belief that getting enough sleep helps prevent illness, but new research suggests the relationship is even stronger than previously assumed.  According to one study, a difference of less than one hour in the amount of sleep a person gets can significantly affect their susceptibility to colds. In particular, sleep helps strengthen T cells, a type of immune cell. It also slows production of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline that compromise immunity. If you find yourself hitting the snooze alarm every morning or you frequently feel exhausted, it’s time to take a look at your sleep hygiene and perhaps make scheduling more time to sleep a priority. 

Add supplements if needed

Daily supplementation with certain immune supportive supplements can be beneficial. Some supplements that have been shown to help immune response include vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea. Be sure to speak with your healthcare provider before including any new supplements.

Avoid toxins

Don’t undermine your efforts to support your immune system by exposing your body to harmful toxins like cigarette smoke, excessive amounts of alcohol, or harmful pesticides. Be mindful of hidden toxins in household cleaning products, detergents and cosmetics too! Read labels and choose all natural products when possible – check out the Environmental Working Group website for more information on what could be hiding in typical household products, cosmetics and more! 

Remember – You’re in Control

We’ve all experienced a lot of stressful changes over the last year and a half. By taking proactive steps to support your immune system, you can ensure you’re ready for whatever the next few months hold

If you’d like some help creating a health plan that fits your goals and lifestyle, give us a call – we are here to help!

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