Weight Loss

Understanding and Addressing Low Estrogen Levels

The hormone estrogen plays an important role in many aspects of your health, from energy levels to cholesterol, mood to bone strength, and much more. Because of its broad range of functions in your body, declining estrogen levels can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. Unfortunately, estrogen levels are sensitive to change, particularly …

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Hormone Havoc: Identifying and Avoiding Everyday Disruptors

Your hormones play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance that keeps your body functioning at its best. From regulating metabolism and mood to influencing reproductive health and immune function, these chemical messengers orchestrate various aspects of your well-being. However, achieving hormonal harmony can be a delicate dance, and numerous factors in our daily …

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The Vagus Nerve: Key to Mind-Body Connection

The vagus nerve doesn’t typically get a lot of attention in conventional medicine, but it actually plays a vital role in orchestrating your body’s response to stress and inflammation. And it doesn’t stop there: The vagus nerve also influences gut health,  immune function and more! Poor vagus nerve tone can influence your overall quality of …

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5 Tips For Breaking Up with Sugar

The holidays are the perfect time to unwind and spend some much-needed time with friends and family, but they also happen to be loaded with sugar. From homemade baking to treats at the office, it is easy to overindulge. Thankfully, the new year is a perfect opportunity to start fresh and take a break from …

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Keeping Up Healthy Habits During The Holidays

The holidays are a busy time of year, and because of that, we all tend to change our typical schedules. With ample opportunities to eat sugary, festive foods and skip workouts for holiday activities, maintaining a healthy routine can sometimes be challenging!  While many struggle to find balance during this season, it is entirely possible …

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