Hormones Changing? What You Need To Know

At every stage of life, your hormones play an important role in controlling what happens in your body. Hormone levels have a profound impact on your health, and many physiologic functions require a delicate balance when it comes to hormone levels. But, it’s said that time changes everything, and that certainly applies to hormones. In …

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Hormone Havoc: Identifying and Avoiding Everyday Disruptors

Your hormones play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance that keeps your body functioning at its best. From regulating metabolism and mood to influencing reproductive health and immune function, these chemical messengers orchestrate various aspects of your well-being. However, achieving hormonal harmony can be a delicate dance, and numerous factors in our daily …

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The Inside Scoop on Your Digestive Roadblocks

A well-functioning digestive system is essential for overall well-being, as it breaks down food into vital nutrients that fuel energy, growth, cellular repair, and more! When your digestion is functioning optimally, you may not even think twice about it. However, when issues arise, they can have widespread effects on your overall well-being. Poor digestion can …

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The Vagus Nerve: Key to Mind-Body Connection

The vagus nerve doesn’t typically get a lot of attention in conventional medicine, but it actually plays a vital role in orchestrating your body’s response to stress and inflammation. And it doesn’t stop there: The vagus nerve also influences gut health,  immune function and more! Poor vagus nerve tone can influence your overall quality of …

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Strategies for Better Heart Health

It’s no surprise that maintaining heart health is vital for overall well-being and longevity. When your heart is working well, you have a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes – the two leading causes of death worldwide.  A healthy heart also contributes to your quality of life. It plays an …

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